Olympic Medalist Apolo Ohno Attends Jabbawockeez MUS.I.C Vegas Show
Olympic medalist, Apolo Anton Ohno, attends Jabbawockeez MUS.I.C Las Vegas show at Monte Carlo hotel on Monday, February 7, 2011. The eight-time Olympian Ohno showed off some of his dance moves on stage, the Dancing With the Stars alum met the world-famous Jabbawockeez for photos.

Described as an audio-visual story of inspiration brought to life through the harmonization of sound and movement, Jabbawockeez performs “MUS.I.C†Thursday – Saturday at 9:30 p.m. and Sunday-Monday at 7:30 p.m. For more information, please visit www.jbwkz.com or www.montecarlo.com. Photo Credit: Courtesy
Bill Cody is an entertainment, technology and luxury travel reporter in Las Vegas. He reports on celebrities, events, tech, food, Las Vegas and luxury travel.