Holly Madison Hosts 2nd Annual Hollybowl At LAVO Las Vegas Nightclub
Holly Madison hosts second annual Hollybowl at LAVO Las Vegas nightclub inside The Palazzo on Sunday, February 6, 2011. Madison wore a black and white short dress with a gold belt and strap heels with a large blue flower.
Holly Madison Hosts Hollybowl 2 at LAVO Las Vegas
Photo Credit: Scott Harrison/Retna/ HarrisonPhotos.com
Holly Madison at Hollybowl 2
Reality TV Star Holly Madison
Holly Madison
Holly Madison at LAVO Las Vegas
Holly Madison at Hollybowl 2
Reality TV Star of ‘Holly’s World’ Holly Madison
Holly Madison
Holly Madison
Holly Madison at LAVO Las Vegas Nightclub
Holly Madison
Holly Madison and Fans at Hollybowl 2
The reality TV star Holly Madison looked ready to party after the festivities of the Big Game today. She had a fresh look with her blond hair pulled back for Hollybowl 2 at LAVO.
Bill Cody is an entertainment, technology and luxury travel reporter in Las Vegas. He reports on celebrities, events, tech, food, Las Vegas and luxury travel.
February 7th, 2011 at 5:25 am
[…] Holly Madison Hosts 2nd Annual Hollybowl At LAVO Las Vegas Nightclub » LAS VEGAS REAL ESTATE | HOMES FOR SALE IN LAS VEGAS | LAS VEGAS NEW HOME finehomeslv.com/blog/holly-madison-hosts-2nd-annual-hollybowl-at-lavo-las-vegas-nightclub/ – view page – cached Holly Madison hosts second annual Hollybowl at LAVO Las Vegas nightclub inside The Palazzo on February 6, 2011. Show influential only (1) $(’#filter-infonly’).change(function() { var el = $(this); var url = document.location.href; var checked = el.attr(’checked’); if (checked) { document.location.href = url + ((/?/.test(url)) ? ‘&’ : ‘?’) + ‘infonly=1′; } else { document.location.href = url.replace(/[?&]?infonly=1/,'’); } }); […]